John Campbell from Ray White is one of our New Zealand Changed Agents Award 2018 finalists. He describes how the first six month of real estate was the toughest time in his life.
John Campbell left a management role and joined the real estate industry at the age of 40.
"From being the boss to having a boss and starting at the bottom with zero income, a young family to support and a house in Auckland with an Auckland-sized mortgage - it was a tough time for my family and me" he said.
Behind this successful man, was a supportive woman. "I did talk with my amazing wife about the fear that I was not good enough, that maybe this wasn't working out. She set me straight by reminding me that I was happier than I had been in years and that my results were accumulating. She was right, on both counts."
Mr Campbell describes how his previous life in sales and management didn't prepare him for the real estate industry.
"It's a whole new playing field. Good thing I am competitive and customer-centric," he shared. Coming from a background that had nothing to do with real estate, Mr Campbell said he was soaking up every piece of advice, working seven days a week and 18 hours a day.
"The goal was to build my business fast and at whatever the cost. Thankfully Josh helped me realise there was another way. While I had to start at zero, I reached 100 in less than two years and I am still accelerating" said Mr Campbell.
Josh Phegan taught him to provide an exemplary service during every stage.
Mr Campbell also learned how to prospect and make follow-up calls with structure. "It transformed his business and my confidence levels. Listening to someone else make the calls, rather than being told how to do them - it was invaluable to me," he said.
While Mr Campbell hasn't been in the industry for long, he's already ranked among the top performers in the country and has won a variety of awards within the Ray White Group.
His advice to other agents:
- Add value where other agents can't - Be memorable for even the little things - Be genuine
"If you nail that, in my experience, you'll stand out," he said.